Saturday, August 29, 2009

A life lesson

After 100 days in Peru, I think it is time to share a little of what I have been learning.

We were riding back to my Peruvian house a few Fridays ago talking about our church in Manchay, when my roommate said, "What kind of a future do the people there have?" Now, in order to really understand this, you would have to visit Manchay and see the houses with no running water and dirty dogs in the street. But as I thought about this observation, I thought about how ethnocentric I am and how I view success. From my western mindset, I see success in college degrees, jobs, or simply choosing the future you want to make for yourself. But I don't think that this is how God views success. A tender heart, willing to do what he wants and when he wants is what God sees as success. These families, full of their Savior's love, can serve God in Manchay and be successful taking care of those around them and living out Christian love. Contentment is a quality with which I struggle, and, for this reason, I think it is a grand privilege to be able to serve with those in a little town called Manchay outside of Lima, Peru and see a little more of contentment in action. I pray that God will give me a tender, usable heart that would humbly be willing to do whatever he called me to do.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My name is Amy Brundage. I was an Arriba student 2 years, it doesn't seem like it was that long ago! I have just read some of your blogs tonite and want to go back and read them all! You are a great writer and really describe things well. I keep thinking... yeah, that's a good way of saying it! I've seen Manchay and know what you mean. Contentment was also a lesson the Lord impressed upon me while in Peru. And I'm still learning! so. . . this is kindof funny, but what is your name? I think I was given your blog address by Nicole Mott quite some time ago--but can't quite remember!
